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·  Hva er annhilasjonslæren?
· Tildekkelse - Joel Barsjø
· Treenighetsdogmets utvikling
· Guds ord om ekteskap, skilsmisse og gjengifte
· Bergpreken – Menighetens grunnlov!
· Israel – Guds Øyensten
· Apostelsen Paulus' misjonsreiser
· Treenighetslæren er en matematisk umulighet, ergo gjør TL Gud til en raring og dumrian!
· Første gang jeg forsvarte meg i retten, var det ingen som kom meg til hjelp. Alle forlot meg!
· Dere har Djevelen til Far sa Jesus om de som sto ham imot og ikke anerkjente Guds ord autoritet!
· Noah og hans familie var ikke besmittet av denne Verdens Ånd og ble berget!
· Treenighetslæren er sann heresi!
· Skriften gir et selv-vitnesbyrd at den hellige Ånd ikke har navn, noe som Jesus og Faderen har!
· Den hellige Ånd, skal vi som troende ha den i våre hjerter kun til Jesus kommer igjen eller i all evighet!?
· Treenighetslæren er kjetter og heresi lære av verste sort da de mener at dette er hva Jesus og Apostlene trodde på og forkynte!
· Jesus i sin preeksistens!
· Pastor Åge Åleskjær forkynner det som klør menneske i øret ved å si at Loven ikke har gyldighet!
· Bileam, Beors sønn.
· Erstatnings - teologen Finn Arne Lauvås en sann vranglærer!
· Guds domstol
· Skal vi tilbe eller be til Jesus
· 3. og 4. Verdenskrig vil ikke skje i Ukraina, Irak eller andre steder, men i Midt-Østen der begge angrepene vil være rettet imot Israel!
· Gjengiftetde forkynnere er et «tabu-emne» for de Norske kristne, men det er også den aller verste og farligste synden som blir allment akseptert og godtatt!
· Vår tids kanskje mest profilerte forkynner Emanuel Minos fremstår med sykdommen kreft og ber om forbønn for dette, men hva med åndslivet?
· Pastor Jan Åge Torp er en bløffmaker, uredelig og en falsk Apostel!
· Aril Edvardsen var Babylon fra a til å! Han bløffet den Norske kristenheten gjennom hele livet omtrent!
· Bibellærer og Pastor Derek Prince
· Pastorer og forkynnere som er gjengiftet som troende lever i et selvbedrag! Og de har en klar tendens til å bagatellisere sin egen synd! Men andres synder fokuserer de på til de grader.
· Pastor og Apostel Jan Åge Torp i Oslokirken og alle andre gjengiftede som kristen og fremdeles er forkynnere er vår tids Kong Ussia som ble spedalsk!.
· Jeg spurte Herren hva han syntes og mente om Visjon Norge og Jan Hanvold. Da fikk jeg et klart og enkelt svar, det var følgende: «Visjon Norge er en åndelig svinesti!».
· Pastor, gjøgler og entertainer Egil Svartdahl ønsket seg 10 moskeer i Oslo by, han har fått oppfylt sine ønsker mer enn han kunne ha ønsket!
· Evangelist Svein Nordvik nå gjengift!
· Terje Berntzen, tidligere «stor» predikant i pinsebevegelsen er skilt og nå gjengiftet! Men fremdeles forkynner Guds ord, hvor skal dette frafallet ende?
· Hillsong er og forblir en gedigen bløff!
· Evangelist Finn Arne Lauvås har stagnert som forkynner og gått tilbake på grunn av ubibelsk lære og forkynnelse!
· Er Emanuel Minos og Co. ved sine fulle fem?
· Vi sitter med Kristus i himmelen!
· Jan Hanvold en løgner og mega kjeltring!
· Hvem og hvor var Jesus før han ble menneske, i sin foruttilværelse?
· Den Norske Pinsebevegelsen er en del av den store skjøgen omtalt i Joh. Åpenb. 17-18!
· Aril Edvardsen var pr. bibelens definisjon en falsk profet!
· Hvordan kunne det gå så gærn`t?
· Jesu blod var og er 100 % rent i motsetning til vårt som er 100 % urent!
· Palestinerne har sin egen stat allerede!
· Hvordan kan én Gud samtidig være tre personer?
· 2 angrep på meg fra den falske profeten Jan Hanvold!
· Who Do You Say That He Is?
· Christianity 101: Two Adams
· The Gospel of John: Great Scott! He's Back from the Future!
· "But What About John 1:1?"
· The Book of Acts: "A Man Accredited by God"
· God's Namesake in Action
· The Book of Revelation: "King of Kings and Lord of Lords"
· Jesus Christ: Incarnated or Created?
· Modern Trends and Final Thoughts: Ecumenism, Biblical Unitarianism and Trinitarian Renewal
· An Explanation of Verses Commonly Used to Support the Trinity [The Top 100!]
· Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy, Heresy
· Divine Agents: Speaking and Acting in God's Stead
· Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Historical Proofs of the Resurrection
· 47 Reasons Why Our Heavenly Father Has No Equals or "Co-Equals"
· 34 Reasons Why the "Holy Spirit" is Not a "Person" Separate from the One True God, the Father
· Logical Fallacies Employed in Trinitarian Theology
· Textual Corruptions Favoring the Trinitarian Position
· Do You Have to Believe in the Trinity to be Saved?
· 22 Principles of Bible Interpretation

· 1700 års villfarelse
· Tommy Hicks Vision
· David i fare - Poul Madsen
· Historiens mest privilegerte mennesker
· Ladhed (Latskap) - av Poul Madsen, København, dansk
· Den navnløse person
· Hvor mange og hvem skal vi møte i himmelen?
· Ildprofeten Elias
· You Tube-videoer rettet mot frelst ungdom
· Akta pilati et brev fra pontius pilatus.
· Tiden etter kong David
· Et knippe YouTube-videoer til oppbyggelse og tilbedelse
· Barnedåp – Antikrists dåp!
· Erstatningsteologi
· Gud har bruk for deg!
· Treenigheten
· Er du medskyldig?
· Vi har en jødisk tro
· Er Gud én
· Menigheten – Guds største tanke og hensikt!
· Sjekkpunkter for en sunn og evangelisk menighet
· Betydning av å være tildekket!
· Ildsjøen – den annen og evige død!
· Paradiset
· Hvor dro de tolv apostler?
· Sitater fra katolsk littratur
· Skriftsteder som taler for at Gud er "to-enig"!
· Skriftsteder som taler for Jesus Only læren!
· Skriftsteder for treenighetslæren!
· Erfaringen min med Norsk kristenhet
· En falsk profet
· Kristi Guddommelighet
· Tiende
· Jesus er underordnet faderen
· Ekteskapet – i lys av Guds ord!
· Den gale treenighet!
· Den nikenske trosbekjennelse
· Den okkulte treenighetlæren
· Konsekvensen ved Kong Davids synd!
· Humanismens falske evangelium
· Forskjellige kristne sekter
· Jan Hanvold, en falsk profet
· Et evig helvete
· Kristus i dere – håpet om herlighet!
· Be og lovsyng som Paulus
· Tjenesten min
· How to be led by the holy spirit
· Treenighetslæren vs Bibelens ene sanne Gud
· Er helvete og den evig brennende ild en realitet?
· Oppgjeret si time, men Herrens tenarar kan gleda seg.
· Skapelse eller evolusjon?
· Bønnen
· Gap-teorien!
· Er Jesus evig Far eller er det feil oversettelse og forståelse?
· Kjenne og vite om Satan og hans strategi og virkemåte!
· Hvordan bli ledet av den Hellige Ånd!
· Arius og arianismen!
· Verdens største selvmotsigelse og kanskje løgn
· Hvordan ble treenighetslaeren utformet
· Menigheten - utvalgt i Kristus og elsket av ham!
· Den Hellige Ånd er ingen egen person!
· Munnens bekjennelse
· Hvordan få en så ypperlig ånd som profeten Daniel?
· Gud er «to enig»!
· Lammets vei
· Kristi etterfølgelse
· Hva innbefatter evig fortapelse
· Kong Davids synd
· Fokus på nådeforkynnelse
· Døde Gud på korset? Hvem døde på Golgata?
· Alt med Gud er storartet
· Mange falske profeter er allerede stått frem!
· Gjør alt det du selv kan og Gud vil gjøre resten!
· Skal vi holde sabbaten som evangeliske troende?
· Abraham begynte og fullførte kallet og tjenesten!
· Ordet var en Gud eller av guddommsart!
· Den Hellige Ånd er Guds virksomme kraft pr bibelens definisjon!
· Vi kan TRO og FORSTÅ Gud!
· En dag skal Gud fader utrydde og utslette alle onde
· Tanker om helveteslæren!
· Resyme og oppsummering rundt treenigheten!
· Du kan og bør bli en tungetaler!
· Eksegese av Fader Vår
· Hemmeligheten i å få bønnesvar
· Personalia Menigheten
· Personalia Israel!
· Personalia Dragen, Dyret, Den Falske Profet og Demonene!
· Personalia mennesket!
· Personalia på Gud Fader
· Personalia Englene
· Personalia Den Hellige Ånd
· Personalia sønnen Jesus Kristus
· Video
· De kristne i Norge er misledet i troen!
· De troende i Norge er småbarn i Kristus!
· Hva vi tror på ut i fra Guds ord
· Hva er den hellig ånd?
· Kristne i Norge sover!
· Artikkel fra Norge IDAG: Størst virksomhet over internett
· Betal prisen eller la hver
· Fanget kristne
· Den falske gudepersonen
· Hvor står Guds menighet og hvor går den?
· Bannlyst Gods!
· Rett forståelse av Guddommen!
· Den Hellige Ånd kompletter oss!
· Enhet i troen
· Når Gud vender sitt hjerte mot deg !
· Frelse - et Guds under!
· Hvordan stille seg ovenfor samfunnet?!
· Treenighetslæren - et resonnement rundt Åpb. 1:1 og 1. Kor. 15
· Lov eller nåde eller begge deler?
· Du er funnet og veiet at du er for lett!
· Bønn som ryster helvete
· Den store forsoningsdagen
· Den røde kvigen!
· Noas dager og verden idag
· Bedrageriet omkring korset
· Drepte jødene Jesus?
· Fra pionerrens galleri!
· Tildekkelse og ytre Helliggjørelse
· Vi skal lovsynge i himmelen!
· Vi skal alle stå innfor Guds domstol!
· Kong Hiskia; ikke fullkommen i kjærlighet!
· Forbered deg på bønnesvar!
· Har Satan lykkes med de kristne?
· Den eneste sanne Gud!
· Jannes og Jambres!
· Trosbevegelsen er en New Age gruppering!
· Helbredelse A.A. Allen
· Sensasjonslystne kristne!
· Treenighetslæren står for fall!
· Historien til treenigheten!
· Stadfestelse!
· Kong Jeroboam og den ulydige Profeten
· Gud er én ikke tre!
· Gud vår Far!
· Dåpen i den Herre Jesu Navn!
· Hvem er Israels Gud?
· Den Hellige Ånd - Guds og Kristi Ånd!
· »Jomfru» Maria!
· Sønnen - Jesus Kristus!
· Kristi tjeneste i fortid, nåtid og fremtid!
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· Du ekte menighet
· Forsoningen
· Verden ville ikke vite av ham
· Prekener av Smith Wigglesworth
· Prekener av C H Mackintosh.
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· Hjelpeløse kristne!
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· 40 år
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· Den falske treenighetslæren!
· Herren er én!
· Tro på én Gud forvandler!
· Bibelens mest misforståtte og feiltolkede skriftsted av troende?!
· Enda mer vranglære!
· Går Israel vennene Antikrist ærend?
· Er den Katolske Kirka den store skjøga ?
· Karismatiske profetier
· Den karismatiske villfarelse!
· Kraften i Jesu blod og Den Hellige Ånd!
· Den urettferdige kjenner ikke til skam!
· Linjene i Esekiel 40-48
· Gjengifte i lys av Guds ord!
· Hvordan lede en menighet?
· Katolikere og karismatikere
· Herrens kall og utvelgelse av forkynnere!
· Den herlige menigheten i Efesus!

Oslo Bibelundervisningssenter

Oslo Bibelundervisningssenter ledes av Bibellærer og Evangelist Jan Kåre Christensen

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“Logic,” from the Greek word logos, is the science of correct reasoning, and provides tools for analyzing the form and content of arguments. Logic addresses the relationship of premises (or evidence) to conclusions, and helps us determine whether our reasoning is straight or crooked. That is, does our conclusion necessarily follow from the premises, or have we “jumped” to conclusions. The disciplines of logical reasoning are fast becoming a thing of the past, an artifact of a classical education. Feelings, emotions and rhetoric (persuasive speech) are most often the basis of what passes for “reasoning” today. But, if we are ever to “correctly handle the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15), we are going to have to learn to think correctly.

One of the best ways to understand and apply the basics of logic is by becoming familiar with logical fallacies, that is, examples of faulty reasoning. What follows are the main types of fallacious reasoning that we have encountered in the course of researching our book, One God & One Lord. Though the systems of classifying fallacies vary from author to author, we find that there is general agreement among teachers of logic that fallacies come in two general forms: formal and informal. The “formal” fallacies revolve around the syllogism form, which involves a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion. “Formally” fallacious logic involves some transgression of the proper form of syllogistic reasoning. “Informal” fallacies are those employed in everyday speech, and for the most part involve different ways of slanting or avoiding evidence en route to a conclusion.


The fallacy of accent is employed whenever an emphasis is placed on a written or spoken communication in a way that materially alters its original or intended meaning. To interpret any piece of literature logically, one must be sensitive to the context and original meaning intended by the author and not alter that meaning by misplaced emphasis. This misplaced emphasis can occur quite subtly. Without changing a word, a piece of written material can be made to say something entirely different from what was intended by the author. A common form of this fallacy is the altering of punctuation, which is particularly significant for biblical research because the original text of Scripture contained no punctuation marks. For instance, the addition of a comma can dramatically alter the simple sentence, “God made man,” (as in God created man) to “God, made man” (as in God became man). What a big difference!

Likewise, “Woman without her man would be lost” is a seemingly straightforward sentence, but watch how the meaning can be dramatically changed by the addition of a period and a comma: “Woman. Without her, man would be lost.”

Luke 23:43 (NASB) says, “And he said to him, ‘Truly I say to you, today you shall be with me in Paradise,’” indicating that Jesus will be with the malefactor in Paradise later that same day. But if the comma is moved to the other side of “today,” an entirely different emphasis results: “Truly I say to you today, you shall (in the future) be with me in Paradise.” This is, in fact the correct rendering. [For further study read What was Jesus really saying to the malefactor in Luke 23:43?]

“Proof texting” is a common way that the fallacy of accent is employed. By isolating verses that appear to support a particular theological or doctrinal position, but by weighting them too heavily, contradictions are created with other verses on the same subject. For instance, with the exception of a few “proof texts,” the idea that “Jesus is God” is not consistent with the New Testament when considered as a whole. Not a Christian theologian, but a professor of logic, made the following astute statement regarding what is required for the logical interpretation of the Bible:

Selecting texts to give a one-sided presentation of the truth is a widespread method of propagating erroneous views. Out of the Bible can be drawn phrases or verses that justify everything under the sun, including contradictories. Read in context, the Bible may be a liberal document, but it is not that liberal. What we need to know is if the Bible as a whole [emphasis ours] supports a given position. [1]

It is a well-established hermeneutical principle among biblical interpreters that the difficult verse or passage must be interpreted in light of the clear and simple parallel verses or passages. The difficult or unusual must not be elevated and established as an altogether higher and better view than the rest of Scripture, as has been done with the Gospel of John, for example. Because it apparently presents a Jesus most compatible with Trinitarian orthodoxy, the Gospel of John is the one that is translated and distributed to potential converts more than any other. But has this been done honestly and logically, or by employing the fallacy of accent?


This fallacy is employed when terms crucial to an argument are not used in the same sense throughout the argument. It could also be called “changing the rules in the middle of the game.”

Equivocation can be clearly seen in the following argument:

Major premise: Every square is four-sided.
Minor premise: Your jaw is square.
Conclusion: Your jaw is four-sided. [2]

The reason the conclusion is invalid is that in the argument, the word “square” is used in two different ways. In geometry, a square is a four-sided polygon with equal sides and four 90° angles. In popular usage, a “square” jaw means something closer to “angular.” In the reasoning process, it is crucial that words be used precisely in the same sense when reasoning from one premise to another to a conclusion.

One person cannot be “God” and “the Son of God” without equivocating the term “God.” Trinitarians use the term “God” in the sense of “the Father” as distinct from “the Son” and “the Holy Spirit.” But, in calling Christ “God,” they use the term “God” in the sense of “the second person of the Trinity.” Thus, although the word “God” is the same, it is given two different meanings.

Often, Trinitarians equivocate the term “God” to mean a “triune God” composed of three persons. The editors of the NIV Study Bible equivocate the term “God” in this fashion when they handle 1 Corinthians 15:24-28. The passage clearly separates “God” from “Christ,” and asserts that Christ will submit to God for eternity “so that God may be all in all.” But, because of their doctrinal position that the Father and the Son are equal, neither can be “over” the other. Therefore, they minimize the Son’s submission to a matter of “administrative function,” and say that “The triune God will be shown to be supreme and sovereign in all things.”

To see the equivocation in the Chalcedonian formula of one person and two natures, look at the following argument:

Major premise: Jesus Christ is God (divine, deity, etc.).
Minor premise: God cannot be tempted (James 1:13).
Conclusion: Jesus Christ was tempted in all points (Hebrews 4:15).

It should be clear that there is something wrong with the argument, because the conclusion does not follow from the premises. The logical conclusion that should be drawn from the premises is that Jesus Christ cannot be tempted. Let us restate the argument in proper syllogistic form.

Major premise: Jesus Christ is God.
Minor premise: God cannot be tempted (James 1:13).
Conclusion: Jesus Christ cannot be tempted.

But now the logical conclusion of these premises creates a dilemma, because it contradicts Hebrews 4:15, which says that Jesus Christ was tempted in all points. One possible solution is that the term “tempted” is being used in an equivocal sense. We must therefore look at the definition of the word “tempted” and see if it is being distributed throughout the argument in the same sense. We find that the word “tempt” in the minor premise and the conclusion is the same concept, based on the Greek word, peirazo (to pierce or cut). The only other possibility is that the term “God” is being equivocated, as follows:

Major premise: Jesus Christ is God [the Son who became a human being while retaining his divine nature].
Minor premise: God (the Father) cannot be tempted (James 1:13).
Conclusion: Jesus Christ was not tempted in his divine nature, but he was tempted in his human nature because he became a man.

In the major premise, “God” is used in the sense of divine, deity, sharing the attributes of God, etc. In the minor premise, “God” refers to the Creator and the Father of Jesus Christ. This is a clear example of equivocating the term “God.” This standard orthodox argument also equivocates the term “man.” Jesus Christ is not an authentic man in this argument, because a “man” by definition does not have a “divine” nature.

To clarify orthodoxy’s equivocation of “man,” consider the following argument:

Major premise: Jesus Christ is a man (1 Tim. 2:5; Acts 2:22).
Minor premise: God is not a man (Num. 23:19).
Conclusion: Jesus Christ is God.

The word “man” does not have the same meaning in the above premises. In the first case, “man” is descriptive only of the part of his being that was human, because Trinitarians argue that Jesus was both a man and God at the same time: a God-man. So, anything that is asserted about him being a “man” is qualified by saying that he was also God. In equivocating the terms “man” and “God,” Trinitarians create a separate category of being for Jesus Christ and remove him from the normal and customary meaning of both terms as understood biblically and experientially. What is asserted about Jesus Christ could not be asserted about Adam, who was truly the archetypal “man.” Unless Jesus’ nature is completely comparable to Adam’s, he cannot properly and without equivocation be categorized as “man.” “100 percent God and 100 percent man” is 200 percent logical equivocation.

Law of Non-Contradiction

This law is completely fundamental to logical and rational thinking, as every student of philosophy knows. It states that “A” and “not A” cannot both be true at the same time and in the same relation. For instance, biologically speaking, Mark can be a father to his son and a son to his father, but he cannot be both a son and a father to the same person at the same time. So, regarding his relationship to his son, he cannot be both his son’s (biological) father and not his son’s father at the same time. He must be one or the other.

This law of non-contradiction is often jettisoned in theological discussions involving the Trinity or the natures of God and Christ. For instance, Jesus cannot be both a man and not-man at the same time and in the same relationship to what defines a man. If we define “man” in a way that makes “man” distinguishable from “God,” as a member of the species homo-sapiens with various physical and mental limitations, Jesus Christ cannot be a man and not-man at the same time. If he is “man” and “God” at the same time, and if we preserve the integrity of the definitions of these terms, Jesus is a logical contradiction. The only way out of this dilemma is to propose a third category of being called “God-man,” which of necessity renders him incapable of being included in either the category of “man” or “God.” Though some may find this theologically and mystically compelling, it is logically contradictory if the integrity of biblical language is upheld (as in, “God is not a man”—Num. 23:19).

Logical Identity

Logical “identity” is established by the following principle: whatever is true of A must also be true of B, and whatever is true of B must also be true of A. One point of dissimilarity disproves identity. The stakes get higher when this principle is violated in connection with the identity of God. Scripture identifies the term “God” with the term “Father.” God is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. That means that whatever is true of God must also be true of the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. And whatever is true of the Father of Jesus Christ must be true of God also. Logically speaking, “God” cannot be both the Father of Jesus and Jesus himself, if language is to retain any meaning.

Straw Man

Attacking a straw man occurs when an opponent’s position is misrepresented in order to make it more easily refuted. This is very hard to avoid, and points up the need for dialogue with those with whom we disagree. Even if we cannot agree, we can at least represent each other’s position fairly and rebut it honestly. We have endeavored to do this throughout our book, One God & One Lord, and we invite those who disagree with us to let us know if we have misrepresented “orthodox” teaching.

Often, when Trinitarians hear our argument that Jesus is not God, they immediately respond by assuming that we are saying that Jesus is a “mere man.” This is a straw man argument because it is easy to refute the claim that Jesus was merely a man like the rest of us. On the contrary, the Gospels are full of evidence of his uniqueness as the monogenes (“one of a kind,” traditionally translated “only-begotten”). It is not demeaning to be made a man in the same way that Adam was made a man in the original Creation. He was the crowning achievement of that Creation. The issue is whether Jesus is to be compared to a fallen man, with the implication that he is then a partaker of man’s sinful nature. He had a fully human nature because God originally made man in His image. Man was made to reflect God’s life and goodness, and share in His attributes. So for Jesus to be “the image of God” is to say that he is completing the destiny originally designed for Adam in the original Creation, which Adam forfeited. There is nothing “mere” about that!

Undistributed Middle

This is a “formal” fallacy that relates to the proper form of syllogistic reasoning, which we must examine before discussing the undistributed middle. An argument can be logical in its form and yet lead to a false conclusion if one or both of the premises are false. The classic Roman Catholic argument for their veneration of the Virgin Mary is a good example:

Major premise: Mary is the mother of Jesus.
Minor premise: Jesus is God.
Conclusion: Therefore, Mary is the mother of God.

Protestants accept the premises but deny the conclusion. Such reasoning is illogical. We also deny the conclusion, but we do so because the argument is based on a false premise, not because the argument itself is invalid. At least Roman Catholics are consistent and logical in asserting their conclusion.

Seeing the proper form of syllogistic logic in symbols will help us understand the fallacy of the undistributed middle.

The undistributed middle is an illogical argument because the conclusion does not necessarily follow from the premises. It is like arguing: everything worthwhile is difficult to achieve; digging a giant hole from Maine to China is difficult to achieve; therefore digging such a hole is worthwhile. This is essentially the same reasoning as is sometimes employed by Trinitarians who argue in this fashion:

Major premise: God is the Savior.
Minor premise: Jesus is the Savior.
Conclusion: Jesus Christ is God.

The reason this argument is fallacious is that just because Jesus and God share a common title, name or attribute (Savior, Lord, etc.) does not make them identical. For example, consider this argument based upon the same major premise:

Major premise: God was the Savior of Israel.
Minor premise: Men who delivered Israel from enemies were saviors.
Conclusion: Men who delivered Israel from enemies were God.


Jesus Christ said that the Word of God is truth. God specifically says in Scripture that He wants men to come to a knowledge of this truth. If Christians are going to do so, then there must be an appreciation of what is logical and what is not. Otherwise, nonsense masquerading as spiritual truth will go undetected and the quality of people’s lives will suffer as a result of believing it.


1. A.J. Moulds, Thinking Straighter (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1975), p. 46. Back to top

2. Robert J. Kreyche, Logic for Undergraduates (Holt, Rinehart, Winston, N.Y., 1961), p. 192. Back to top

Jesus sier: «Jeg er veien, sannheten og livet. Ingen kommer til Far uten ved meg. Har dere kjent meg, skal dere også kjenne min Far. Fra nå av kjenner dere ham og har sett ham.» Joh 14:6-7

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