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· Hvorfor Smyrna Oslo
· Hva nå Jan Kåre?
·  Hva er annhilasjonslæren?
· Tildekkelse - Joel Barsjø
· Treenighetsdogmets utvikling
· Guds ord om ekteskap, skilsmisse og gjengifte
· Bergpreken – Menighetens grunnlov!
· Israel – Guds Øyensten
· Apostelsen Paulus' misjonsreiser
· Treenighetslæren er en matematisk umulighet, ergo gjør TL Gud til en raring og dumrian!
· Første gang jeg forsvarte meg i retten, var det ingen som kom meg til hjelp. Alle forlot meg!
· Dere har Djevelen til Far sa Jesus om de som sto ham imot og ikke anerkjente Guds ord autoritet!
· Noah og hans familie var ikke besmittet av denne Verdens Ånd og ble berget!
· Treenighetslæren er sann heresi!
· Skriften gir et selv-vitnesbyrd at den hellige Ånd ikke har navn, noe som Jesus og Faderen har!
· Den hellige Ånd, skal vi som troende ha den i våre hjerter kun til Jesus kommer igjen eller i all evighet!?
· Treenighetslæren er kjetter og heresi lære av verste sort da de mener at dette er hva Jesus og Apostlene trodde på og forkynte!
· Jesus i sin preeksistens!
· Pastor Åge Åleskjær forkynner det som klør menneske i øret ved å si at Loven ikke har gyldighet!
· Bileam, Beors sønn.
· Erstatnings - teologen Finn Arne Lauvås en sann vranglærer!
· Guds domstol
· Skal vi tilbe eller be til Jesus
· 3. og 4. Verdenskrig vil ikke skje i Ukraina, Irak eller andre steder, men i Midt-Østen der begge angrepene vil være rettet imot Israel!
· Gjengiftetde forkynnere er et «tabu-emne» for de Norske kristne, men det er også den aller verste og farligste synden som blir allment akseptert og godtatt!
· Vår tids kanskje mest profilerte forkynner Emanuel Minos fremstår med sykdommen kreft og ber om forbønn for dette, men hva med åndslivet?
· Pastor Jan Åge Torp er en bløffmaker, uredelig og en falsk Apostel!
· Aril Edvardsen var Babylon fra a til å! Han bløffet den Norske kristenheten gjennom hele livet omtrent!
· Bibellærer og Pastor Derek Prince
· Pastorer og forkynnere som er gjengiftet som troende lever i et selvbedrag! Og de har en klar tendens til å bagatellisere sin egen synd! Men andres synder fokuserer de på til de grader.
· Pastor og Apostel Jan Åge Torp i Oslokirken og alle andre gjengiftede som kristen og fremdeles er forkynnere er vår tids Kong Ussia som ble spedalsk!.
· Jeg spurte Herren hva han syntes og mente om Visjon Norge og Jan Hanvold. Da fikk jeg et klart og enkelt svar, det var følgende: «Visjon Norge er en åndelig svinesti!».
· Pastor, gjøgler og entertainer Egil Svartdahl ønsket seg 10 moskeer i Oslo by, han har fått oppfylt sine ønsker mer enn han kunne ha ønsket!
· Evangelist Svein Nordvik nå gjengift!
· Terje Berntzen, tidligere «stor» predikant i pinsebevegelsen er skilt og nå gjengiftet! Men fremdeles forkynner Guds ord, hvor skal dette frafallet ende?
· Hillsong er og forblir en gedigen bløff!
· Evangelist Finn Arne Lauvås har stagnert som forkynner og gått tilbake på grunn av ubibelsk lære og forkynnelse!
· Er Emanuel Minos og Co. ved sine fulle fem?
· Vi sitter med Kristus i himmelen!
· Jan Hanvold en løgner og mega kjeltring!
· Hvem og hvor var Jesus før han ble menneske, i sin foruttilværelse?
· Den Norske Pinsebevegelsen er en del av den store skjøgen omtalt i Joh. Åpenb. 17-18!
· Aril Edvardsen var pr. bibelens definisjon en falsk profet!
· Hvordan kunne det gå så gærn`t?
· Jesu blod var og er 100 % rent i motsetning til vårt som er 100 % urent!
· Palestinerne har sin egen stat allerede!
· Hvordan kan én Gud samtidig være tre personer?
· 2 angrep på meg fra den falske profeten Jan Hanvold!
· Who Do You Say That He Is?
· Christianity 101: Two Adams
· The Gospel of John: Great Scott! He's Back from the Future!
· "But What About John 1:1?"
· The Book of Acts: "A Man Accredited by God"
· God's Namesake in Action
· The Book of Revelation: "King of Kings and Lord of Lords"
· Jesus Christ: Incarnated or Created?
· Modern Trends and Final Thoughts: Ecumenism, Biblical Unitarianism and Trinitarian Renewal
· An Explanation of Verses Commonly Used to Support the Trinity [The Top 100!]
· Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy, Heresy
· Divine Agents: Speaking and Acting in God's Stead
· Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Historical Proofs of the Resurrection
· 47 Reasons Why Our Heavenly Father Has No Equals or "Co-Equals"
· 34 Reasons Why the "Holy Spirit" is Not a "Person" Separate from the One True God, the Father
· Logical Fallacies Employed in Trinitarian Theology
· Textual Corruptions Favoring the Trinitarian Position
· Do You Have to Believe in the Trinity to be Saved?
· 22 Principles of Bible Interpretation

· 1700 års villfarelse
· Tommy Hicks Vision
· David i fare - Poul Madsen
· Historiens mest privilegerte mennesker
· Ladhed (Latskap) - av Poul Madsen, København, dansk
· Den navnløse person
· Hvor mange og hvem skal vi møte i himmelen?
· Ildprofeten Elias
· You Tube-videoer rettet mot frelst ungdom
· Akta pilati et brev fra pontius pilatus.
· Tiden etter kong David
· Et knippe YouTube-videoer til oppbyggelse og tilbedelse
· Barnedåp – Antikrists dåp!
· Erstatningsteologi
· Gud har bruk for deg!
· Treenigheten
· Er du medskyldig?
· Vi har en jødisk tro
· Er Gud én
· Menigheten – Guds største tanke og hensikt!
· Sjekkpunkter for en sunn og evangelisk menighet
· Betydning av å være tildekket!
· Ildsjøen – den annen og evige død!
· Paradiset
· Hvor dro de tolv apostler?
· Sitater fra katolsk littratur
· Skriftsteder som taler for at Gud er "to-enig"!
· Skriftsteder som taler for Jesus Only læren!
· Skriftsteder for treenighetslæren!
· Erfaringen min med Norsk kristenhet
· En falsk profet
· Kristi Guddommelighet
· Tiende
· Jesus er underordnet faderen
· Ekteskapet – i lys av Guds ord!
· Den gale treenighet!
· Den nikenske trosbekjennelse
· Den okkulte treenighetlæren
· Konsekvensen ved Kong Davids synd!
· Humanismens falske evangelium
· Forskjellige kristne sekter
· Jan Hanvold, en falsk profet
· Et evig helvete
· Kristus i dere – håpet om herlighet!
· Be og lovsyng som Paulus
· Tjenesten min
· How to be led by the holy spirit
· Treenighetslæren vs Bibelens ene sanne Gud
· Er helvete og den evig brennende ild en realitet?
· Oppgjeret si time, men Herrens tenarar kan gleda seg.
· Skapelse eller evolusjon?
· Bønnen
· Gap-teorien!
· Er Jesus evig Far eller er det feil oversettelse og forståelse?
· Kjenne og vite om Satan og hans strategi og virkemåte!
· Hvordan bli ledet av den Hellige Ånd!
· Arius og arianismen!
· Verdens største selvmotsigelse og kanskje løgn
· Hvordan ble treenighetslaeren utformet
· Menigheten - utvalgt i Kristus og elsket av ham!
· Den Hellige Ånd er ingen egen person!
· Munnens bekjennelse
· Hvordan få en så ypperlig ånd som profeten Daniel?
· Gud er «to enig»!
· Lammets vei
· Kristi etterfølgelse
· Hva innbefatter evig fortapelse
· Kong Davids synd
· Fokus på nådeforkynnelse
· Døde Gud på korset? Hvem døde på Golgata?
· Alt med Gud er storartet
· Mange falske profeter er allerede stått frem!
· Gjør alt det du selv kan og Gud vil gjøre resten!
· Skal vi holde sabbaten som evangeliske troende?
· Abraham begynte og fullførte kallet og tjenesten!
· Ordet var en Gud eller av guddommsart!
· Den Hellige Ånd er Guds virksomme kraft pr bibelens definisjon!
· Vi kan TRO og FORSTÅ Gud!
· En dag skal Gud fader utrydde og utslette alle onde
· Tanker om helveteslæren!
· Resyme og oppsummering rundt treenigheten!
· Du kan og bør bli en tungetaler!
· Eksegese av Fader Vår
· Hemmeligheten i å få bønnesvar
· Personalia Menigheten
· Personalia Israel!
· Personalia Dragen, Dyret, Den Falske Profet og Demonene!
· Personalia mennesket!
· Personalia på Gud Fader
· Personalia Englene
· Personalia Den Hellige Ånd
· Personalia sønnen Jesus Kristus
· Video
· De kristne i Norge er misledet i troen!
· De troende i Norge er småbarn i Kristus!
· Hva vi tror på ut i fra Guds ord
· Hva er den hellig ånd?
· Kristne i Norge sover!
· Artikkel fra Norge IDAG: Størst virksomhet over internett
· Betal prisen eller la hver
· Fanget kristne
· Den falske gudepersonen
· Hvor står Guds menighet og hvor går den?
· Bannlyst Gods!
· Rett forståelse av Guddommen!
· Den Hellige Ånd kompletter oss!
· Enhet i troen
· Når Gud vender sitt hjerte mot deg !
· Frelse - et Guds under!
· Hvordan stille seg ovenfor samfunnet?!
· Treenighetslæren - et resonnement rundt Åpb. 1:1 og 1. Kor. 15
· Lov eller nåde eller begge deler?
· Du er funnet og veiet at du er for lett!
· Bønn som ryster helvete
· Den store forsoningsdagen
· Den røde kvigen!
· Noas dager og verden idag
· Bedrageriet omkring korset
· Drepte jødene Jesus?
· Fra pionerrens galleri!
· Tildekkelse og ytre Helliggjørelse
· Vi skal lovsynge i himmelen!
· Vi skal alle stå innfor Guds domstol!
· Kong Hiskia; ikke fullkommen i kjærlighet!
· Forbered deg på bønnesvar!
· Har Satan lykkes med de kristne?
· Den eneste sanne Gud!
· Jannes og Jambres!
· Trosbevegelsen er en New Age gruppering!
· Helbredelse A.A. Allen
· Sensasjonslystne kristne!
· Treenighetslæren står for fall!
· Historien til treenigheten!
· Stadfestelse!
· Kong Jeroboam og den ulydige Profeten
· Gud er én ikke tre!
· Gud vår Far!
· Dåpen i den Herre Jesu Navn!
· Hvem er Israels Gud?
· Den Hellige Ånd - Guds og Kristi Ånd!
· »Jomfru» Maria!
· Sønnen - Jesus Kristus!
· Kristi tjeneste i fortid, nåtid og fremtid!
· Se til Jesus
· Du ekte menighet
· Forsoningen
· Verden ville ikke vite av ham
· Prekener av Smith Wigglesworth
· Prekener av C H Mackintosh.
· De kristnes selskap.
· Guds rike: nåværende eller fremtidige?
· Kristne og himmelen!
· Hjelpeløse kristne!
· Tanker om Treenigheten
· Stig Andreasson om Katolisismen!
· Unitarist!
· Et stort frafall?!
· Mitt personlige vitnesbyrd!
· Trosforkynnelse på ville veier!
· Det vidunderlige og betydningsfylle med Jesu blod!
· Veiskille?
· Når mottar vi Ånden?
· Bibeltroskap?!
· Er all tungemålstale fra Gud?
· Guds råd til frelse!
· Tildekkelse!
· Forfeilet kristendom?!
· Skilsmisse – gjengifte
· Samson på godt og ondt
· Nådegavenes bruk og hensikt
· Menigheten – jordens største under
· Løsningen på konflikten i Israel
· Korset i våre liv
· Jesus og Paulus advarer oss!
· Himmelen – en virkelighet
· Fra en debatt om trosbevegelsens lære
· Formes ved bønn
· Faste
· Er bunnen nådd?
· Det store: Kristus i oss alle!
· Arvtagerne
· Åndelige og naturlige lover
· Forundret
· Fremtidsperspektiv
· Fattig, men rik!
· Den åndelige kampen
· Skjevt?
· 40 år
· Paulus fattet nytt mot!
· Den falske treenighetslæren!
· Herren er én!
· Tro på én Gud forvandler!
· Bibelens mest misforståtte og feiltolkede skriftsted av troende?!
· Enda mer vranglære!
· Går Israel vennene Antikrist ærend?
· Er den Katolske Kirka den store skjøga ?
· Karismatiske profetier
· Den karismatiske villfarelse!
· Kraften i Jesu blod og Den Hellige Ånd!
· Den urettferdige kjenner ikke til skam!
· Linjene i Esekiel 40-48
· Gjengifte i lys av Guds ord!
· Hvordan lede en menighet?
· Katolikere og karismatikere
· Herrens kall og utvelgelse av forkynnere!
· Den herlige menigheten i Efesus!

Oslo Bibelundervisningssenter

Oslo Bibelundervisningssenter ledes av Bibellærer og Evangelist Jan Kåre Christensen

Jan Kåre Christensen

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Reasons Why the Resurrection is Believable

If true, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the single most important event in the history of mankind, and therefore the one most crucial to establish as an authentic historical event.  In fact, the resurrection is the very linchpin of the Christian faith, holding together every claim and every blessing.  If the resurrection could be proven a fraud, Christianity would disintegrate as a total fabrication with little redeeming merit.  Jesus would not even be an example of a “good moral teacher,” as some maintain, for his most important prediction—that he would be raised from the dead—would be found a lie.

As Christians, our very salvation depends in large part upon the reliability of the four historical records of the birth, life, death, and especially the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  A deeply held belief in the resurrection as a fact of history is a vital element for our eternal salvation.  Romans 10:9 asserts: “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”  We are trifling with the bedrock of our salvation when we entertain doubts about the historical accuracy of any part of Scripture.  But most crucial are those parts that make historical claims upon which our salvation depends.

Therefore, those who argue that the historicity of the resurrection is not provable and even unnecessary are contradicting the testimony of the apostolic witnesses.  Indeed, the Apostle Paul’s entire ministry was built upon the foundation of the resurrection, and it was his personal encounter with the risen Christ that caused him to develop an unassailable conviction in the reality of this event.  In the following verses, we have highlighted in bold type Paul’s statements of the consequences to the Christian faith if the resurrection of Christ did not, in fact, happen.

1 Corinthians 15:14-20
(14) And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.
(15) More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God, for we have testified about God that he raised Christ from the dead.  But he did not raise him if in fact the dead are not raised.
(16) For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either.
(17) And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.
(18) Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ are lost.
(19) If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men.
(20) But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.

Later in his life, Paul’s public testimony to the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his proclamation of the Gospel in Ephesus caused such an uproar that the Roman authorities took him into protective custody lest he be killed by the Jews. After several appeals according to Roman Law, Paul found himself standing before King Agrippa, his last level of appeal before the Emperor himself.

Given permission to speak freely, Paul launched into a passionate account of his life, culminating with his encounter with the risen Christ on the road to Damascus. When Paul then verified the resurrection from Old Testament prophecy, the governor, Festus, interrupted him and told him he was crazy. The truth of Paul’s brilliant reply remains emblazoned across the pages of human history.

Acts 26:25 and 26
(25) “I am not insane, most excellent Festus,” Paul replied. “What I am saying is true and reasonable.
(26) The king is familiar with these things, and I can speak freely to him. I am convinced that none of this has escaped his notice, because it was not done in a corner.”

Amen! And that is why, taken together, the following historical proofs of the resurrection of Jesus Christ present evidence that is beyond a reasonable doubt.

1. The resurrection narratives have the ring of historical truth

The resurrection narratives bear unmistakable signs of being historically accurate. The earliness of these accounts, at a time when hostile witnesses were present, would have made a fabrication unlikely and dangerous.  There is agreement on the main facts and great variety in the witnesses given, yet they are not a mere repetition of some standardized story with all the discrepancies worked out. Indeed, the accounts of Christ’s resurrection appearances are clearly independent of one another, as their surface dissimilarities suggest.  Deeper scrutiny, however, reveals that these appearances are non-contradictory. Henry Morris writes:

It is a well-known rule of evidence that the testimonies of several different witnesses, each reporting from his own particular vantage point, provide the strongest possible evidence when the testimonies contain superficial contradictions that resolve themselves upon close and careful examination.  This is exactly the situation with the various witnesses to the resurrection.[1]

2. The Apostle Paul’s life and ministry is a strong witness of the resurrection

At the time Paul met the resurrected Christ, he was an ardent antagonist to the Christian faith. A highly educated man, he was not easily persuaded of anything that appeared contrary to or inconsistent with the Mosaic traditions.  It could be said that he would have been the last person on earth to accept the idea of a crucified and resurrected Messiah based on the Jewish expectations of the time. The fact that he became so fully persuaded of the resurrection of Christ that he completely dedicated his life to his risen Lord is powerful evidence of the reality of the resurrection.  Canon Kennett writes:

Within a very few years of the time of the crucifixion of Jesus, the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus was, in the mind of at least one man of education [the Apostle Paul], absolutely irrefutable.[2]

3. The empty tomb is a historical given

No reputable New Testament historian doubts the historical fact that the tomb in which Christ was placed after his crucifixion was empty.  Therefore, there are only three explanations for it.  Either his enemies took the body, his friends took the body, or Jesus was raised from the dead.  The first possibility is extremely unlikely, because his enemies would have certainly displayed his body if they could have, in order to humiliate his disciples, quell the rumors of his resurrection, as well as to cut short any new religious movement that threatened their Mosaic traditions.

It is equally unlikely that his friends would have taken his body, because after his crucifixion they were profoundly disappointed and discouraged men who did not believe that he would be resurrected.  It is absurd to think that under these conditions they would invent a scheme in which they would steal away the body to fabricate a story they obviously did not believe.

4. The disciples were devout Jews

The disciples were Jews who took seriously their Jewish privileges and obligations.  Therefore, it is unthinkable that they would have been party to making up a new religion for personal gain.  To a first-century Jew, such an act was equivalent to lying against the God of Israel, as Paul argues in 1 Corinthians  15:12-19 (where he called it “bearing false witness,” contrary to one of the Ten Commandments).  For a first-century Jew, lying against God and perverting His revelation would mean risking one’s salvation and future participation in the Messianic Kingdom.  Would such a person risk divine retribution for a few years of prestige as a leader of a new religion?  The answer can only be an emphatic no.

5. The testimony of women

The presence of women at the tomb is strong evidence that the biblical record is true.  Women had virtually no credibility in the first-century Jewish culture, and their testimony in a court of law was considered worthless.  For example, if a man was accused of a crime that only women witnessed, he could not be convicted on that basis. If the account of Jesus’ resurrection were a fable added later in an attempt to authenticate Christianity, why would the record have women be the first to see him and testify to the empty tomb, unless it had really happened that way? Women bringing testimony of his resurrection that is then denied by the male disciples makes the latter look bad, and these men were the first leaders of the Christian Church.  A fabricated story added later by the Church would certainly have painted their first leaders in a more favorable light.

6. Jewish propaganda presupposes the empty tomb and the missing body

The Jewish Temple authorities paid those who had seen the tomb empty to lie and say that the disciples had stolen the body, and they even murdered many of those who preached about his resurrection. With such a powerful incentive to squash the new movement, they would have stopped at nothing to produce Jesus’ dead body if they could have.  The fact that they did not means they could not because he was risen.

7. His enemies would have produced his dead body to silence the believers

If he did not rise from the dead, what became of his body?  If his enemies stole it and never showed it openly, that would have encouraged the very rumors of a resurrection that they were very anxious to prevent.  But the decisive proof that his enemies did not take the body is that they surely would have quickly produced it with great fanfare, for they stopped short of nothing to discredit the story.  As William Lane Craig argues, “This is historical evidence of the highest quality, since it comes not from the Christians but from the very enemies of the early Christian faith.”[3]

8. There was no veneration of the tomb

If Jesus was not resurrected, why is there no record of his disciples venerating his tomb as so often happens to religious leaders? Though God forbade it, the practice continued among the Israelites to the point that God Himself disposed of the bodies of Elijah and Moses lest their followers venerate their gravesites.

9.   A  non-Christian historian testifies in support of the resurrection

Josephus, the first-century Jewish historian, wrote about Jesus Christ and the growth of Christianity as follows:

And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.[4]

Though some have tried to dismiss this corroborating secular testimony as fraudulent, this is unlikely because Josephus’ writings were well received at the time of their writing by both Jews and Romans. He was even made an honorary Roman citizen.

There is no record of any objection being raised to this passage by early detractors of Christianity, and had this been a fraudulent and late insertion into the writings of Josephus, this fact would have been openly debated in the literature of the day.  Because this did not happen, the silence of the critics is damning to their cause.[5]

10. No alternative explanations in the early non-scriptural sources

There is no alternative explanation for the rise of the Christian Church given in early historical sources that would even attempt to give the “real” story.  In the event that the story was fabricated, surely some critic or disgruntled “ex-christian” would have attempted such an alternative explanation.  But the only adequate explanation for the rise of the Church that has ever been given is that the early Christians believed Jesus had been raised from the dead.

11. The biblical records of the resurrection appearances give unified witness

The Four Gospels and the Apostle Paul give a unified witness of ten resurrection appearances. Because these records are harmonious and non-contradictory, the burden of proof is upon those who would say that they do not tell the truth.

The ten resurrection appearances, in their likely order, are as follows:

  1. To Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9; John 20:11-18)
  2. To the other women (Matt. 28:8-10)
  3. To Peter (Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5)
  4. To the two men on the road to Emmaus (Mark 16:12; Luke 24:13-35)
  5. To eleven of the disciples (except Thomas—Luke 24:33-49; John 20:19-24)
  6. To the twelve a week later (John 20:24-29; 1 Cor. 15:5)
  7. To seven disciples by the Sea of Tiberias (John 21:1-23)
  8. To five hundred followers (1 Cor. 15:6)
  9. To James (1 Cor. 15:7)
  10. To the twelve at the ascension (Acts 1:3-12)[6]

12. The idea of Christ’s new body was a totally foreign   concept

The disciples had enough trouble believing that Christ would die and then be raised, and would never have even conceived of the idea of the Messiah having a different body.  It is virtually inconceivable that early Christians fabricated such a story, which even today sounds like science fiction to many doubters.

13. Modern scholars and historians admit that there is strong    evidence of his bodily resurrection

J. P. Moreland confirms this and quotes other scholars:

Almost no New Testament scholar today denies that Jesus appeared to a number of his followers after his death.  Some scholars interpret these as subjective hallucinations or objective visions granted by God which were not visions of a physical being.  But no one denies that the believers had some sort of experience. The skeptical New Testament scholar Norman Perrin admitted: “The more we study the tradition with regard to the appearances, the firmer the rock begins to appear upon which they are based.”  Dunn, professor of divinity at the University of Durham, England, agrees: “It is almost impossible to dispute that at the historical roots of Christianity lie some visionary experiences of the first Christians, who understood them as appearances of Jesus, raised by God from the dead.”[7]

Thomas Arnold, former Professor of History at Rugby and Oxford, and one of the world’s greatest historians, made the following statement about the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

I know of no one fact in the history of mankind which is proved by better, fuller evidence of every sort, to the understanding of a fair enquirer, than the great sign which God hath given us that Christ died, and rose again from the dead.[8]

Simon Greenleaf is one of the most highly regarded legal minds ever seen in America.  He was an expert on the laws of evidence, and the founder of the Harvard Law School.  He analyzed the accounts in the Four Gospels of the resurrection of Christ in terms of their validity as objective testimonial evidence, and concluded:

It was therefore impossible that they could have persisted in affirming the truths they had narrated, had not Jesus actually risen from the dead, and had they not known this fact as certainly as they knew any other fact.[9]

14. The conviction of his followers in the resurrection

Those who first published the story that Jesus had risen from the dead believed it to be a fact.  They rested their faith not only on the fact of the empty tomb, but on the fact that they themselves had seen Jesus alive after his burial. He was seen not once or twice, but at least ten recorded times; and not just one at a time, but in groups of two, seven, ten, eleven, and five hundred.

15. The martyrdom of his followers for their belief in the resurrection

The first-century believers preached and acted with conviction about the truth of his resurrection, many of them even dying because of their belief.  If his friends had stolen the body to make it look like he had been resurrected, they would have known that they were believing a lie, and men do not become martyrs for what they know to be false.

16. The unanimous testimony of eye-witnesses, who could not all have been deceived or deluded

Some critics say that the early Christians had a vision or an hallucination of Christ after his death, in the same way people today claim to have “seen” the pop icon Elvis Presley.  Could it not have been an ecstatic vision? A dream? A fantasy of an excited imagination?  Perhaps an apparition?  None of these is at all probable, for different groups of people do not keep on seeing the same hallucination.  500 people in a crowd would not all dream the same dream at the same time.

Some modern Christian apologists have argued that it is irrelevant whether or not Christ actually was physically raised, because his “spirit” went to be with God.  God then supposedly gave Christ’s followers a “vision” of Christ continuing to live “spiritually” at God’s side.  Such a mystical and spiritualistic concept would not have satisfied the Hebraic mind of the disciples, however, who believed the dead to be dead until raised in a bodily, physical resurrection.[10] It would also have placed the Christian faith on a subjective, mystical basis without historical claims and would not account for the early disciples’ energetic witness of the bodily resurrection of Christ.

17. The unbelief of the disciples concerning his resurrection

With the exception of Joseph of Arimathea, the followers of Jesus did not believe that he would die and then be resurrected.  They were not expecting the event, and when it happened they did not believe it at first. They considered it an “idle tale” (Luke 24:11– KJV).  They did not believe it until they had to, when they were directly confronted by the risen Lord.  Henry Morris writes:

One thing is certain: the disciples could not have fabricated the story of the resurrection from their own imaginations.  On the contrary, they somehow failed to anticipate it even after such an abundance of prophetic preparation for it, both from the Scriptures and from Christ. It took the strongest of evidences to convince them it had actually taken place.[11]

18.  The idea of a resurrected Messiah was a hard sell to the Jews and absurd to the Greeks

The picture of Jesus was not in keeping with current conceptions of what the Messiah would be like (a theocratic ruler who would deliver Israel from Gentile oppression) and it would have been hard to convince others of its truth.  The Greeks, with their doctrine of the immortality of the soul, thought the idea of a bodily resurrection absurd and unnecessary (cp. Acts 17:32).  If the disciples had invented an event or a doctrine around which to build a new religion, it would have been more in line with the standard expectations of the day.

19.  He could have gotten out of the tomb only by resurrection

The “swoon” theory has proposed that Jesus was not really dead when they buried him, and that he “came to” again.  But in that case, weak and exhausted, encased in heavy grave wrappings, he could scarcely have moved, much less removed the heavy stone door and gotten out of the tomb.  Furthermore, the Roman authorities had sealed the door, and even if he had been successful in moving the stone, the guards would have rearrested him and further humiliated him.  Since there is no record of such an event, it must not have happened, because his enemies would have made much of such a bizarre happening.

20. The very existence and growth of the Christian Church      makes no sense if he was not raised

Some critics say that the resurrection was a later addition to the story of Christ, invented years later by the Church to glorify a dead hero. But it is known, from historical records outside Scripture, that the sect known as Christians came into existence in the reign of Tiberius, and that the thing that brought them into existence was their belief that Jesus had risen from the dead.

The resurrection was not a later addition to the Christian faith, but the very cause and incentive for it.  They rested their faith, not on historical records, but on what they had seen with their own eyes. The records were the result of their faith, not the cause of it. Christianity hinges on the historical fact of Christ’s resurrection, for without it the entire faith is found fraudulent.  Had there been no resurrection, there would have been no New Testament, and no Christian Church.

21. The disciples had nothing to gain by fabricating a story and starting a new religion

His followers faced hardship, ridicule, hostility, and martyrs’ deaths.  In light of this, they could never have sustained such unwavering motivation if they knew what they were preaching was a lie.  Religion had its rewards for them, but those rewards came from a sincere belief that what they were living for was true.

22.  The unanimous testimony of the early Christian leaders

If the empty tomb and resurrection was a fabrication, why did not at least one of the disciples break away from the rest and start his own version of Christianity?  Or why did not at least one of them reveal the claim as a lie? The Temple authorities were willing to pay good money to anyone who would provide such information.  Or if money was not alluring enough, what about the possibility of proving the resurrection a lie in order to draw disciples away to follow some enterprising would-be cult leader?  History has shown that this role is a popular one, and this would have been a golden opportunity.

Without the strong and persuasive evidence of the resurrection, the continued unity of the early Christian leaders is inexplicable in light of the human tendency to want to promote oneself.  The assumption that they were all committed to the truth of their message is the only adequate explanation of their continued unity and the lack of any revelation of fraud.  Those who lie for personal gain do not stick together very long, especially when hardship decreases the benefits.

23.   All of the alternate explanations proposed for the resurrection lack credibility

In light of the evidence of the empty tomb, the resurrection appearances and the rise of the Christian Church, a reasonable person should conclude that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a well-established historical fact.  In a court of law, such evidence would compel conviction unless contradictory evidence could be brought forward to introduce “a reasonable doubt.” But all alternate explanations and theories are extremely doubtful and counter-intuitive.

Therefore, Christians are being rational, sensible, and fully consistent with common sense when they rest their faith on this well-established historical event.  Not only is there compelling historical evidence to back the belief, but extravagant benefits in the future are promised to those who believe it.[12] According to the Bible, the only sure promise of everlasting life for mankind, both individually and collectively, depends upon belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  As Halley writes:

“What a hale of glory this simple belief sheds on human life. Our hope of resurrection and life everlasting is based, not on a philosophic guess about immortality, but an historic fact.”[13]


1. Henry Morris, The Defender’s Bible (World Publishing, Grand Rapids, 1995), p. 1576. Back to top

Jesus sier: «Jeg er veien, sannheten og livet. Ingen kommer til Far uten ved meg. Har dere kjent meg, skal dere også kjenne min Far. Fra nå av kjenner dere ham og har sett ham.» Joh 14:6-7

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